
Organ Trading

Organ trading The world is already facing a plethora of problems further sunk into them due to illegal organ transplantation which has become a nightmare for poor and underdeveloped countries.

Human organ trafficking, a highly lucrative illegal activity, is a less-discussed type of human exploitation among all anti-human trafficking proponents due to its complex and sometimes covert existence in the black market.

It is a global problem which has created a complex web of impacts for humanity. However, it needs a global comprehensive solution to unshackle the chains of human exploitation by banning illegal transplantation.

Various issues have surfaced due to the growing number of illegal donations in the black market. Many Historians are of the view that illegal  organ trading has become the worst part of exploitation in human history.

The sale in human organs

organ trading raises numerous ethical and health issues. In the vast majority of cases, those selling their organs are representatives of marginalised groups.

Moreover, an individual can sell a kidney for $5,000 in Nepal, Pakistan, China, or India, and the people who handle the trade benefit handsomely.

For example, in Kavre, the province of Nepal, at least one person in every household has sold a kidney in the black market.

Due to this reason the province is called as kidney valley. The story doesn’t end here. There are horrific tales of gross illegal organ trading in the world.

Many reasons

organ trading can be traced out of increasing rate of organ donations. For poor nations, the crowning evil factor of organ trading is poverty. Poverty is a more despicable phenomenon.

It breeds more social evils that can accelerate the pace of illegal organ trade in the black market. The following essay will begin by highlighting the problem of illegal organ donations,

followed by its horrific consequences over the world and will end by discussing the pragmatic reasons to put a ban on the increasing illegal organ donations.

One of the reasons to ban illegal human organ transplants is that it spreads various contract diseases. Earlier, some studies have shown that those who acquire illicit organs do worse than those who provide them lawfully.

A new meta-analysis of 39 original publications found that people who get organs from other people of different countries are more likely to contract infections like hepatitis-B or HIV-AIDS and many other bacterial infections.


organ trading patient and organ safety measures are considerably lower in various countries. Since the data is susceptible to survivors bias,

those who do not tolerate the operation and return home are often excluded from studies, these figures which understate the threat of organ transplant.

A number of  medicines are also needed to contain the immune system of recipients and donors. If these medicines are not properly utilized,

it will create serious health complications ranging from fluctuations of blood pressure to the cause of death.

Moreover, those who have had a transplant have normally gone through a lot of scary and nerve-wracking situations,

such as dealing with a life-threatening illness, waiting for an operation, healing from major surgery, and reshaping to normal life.

Many people experience persistent stress and anxiety, which is unsurprising by consumption of different types of medicines. Hence,

illegal transplantation of human organs breeds harmful diseases which have detrimental effects for donors as well as for recipients.

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