Informative Science

Eco Friendly Finish,Denim, Washing

There are many eco-friendly ways to finish a project, whether it is a new piece of furniture or a renovation. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Use natural dyes and finishes. Many eco-friendly dyes and finishes are available now, such as natural vegetable dyes and beeswax finishes. 2. Use recycled materials. […]


8 billion light-years distant, a radio transmission is received

radio transmission Using a cosmic trick first predicted by Einstein, astronomers have discover radio signals from ever deeper points in space. Astronomers were able to gather the most remote signals of their type from far-off galaxies using distortes spacetime as a magnifying glass, providing a peek into how our universe form. The galaxy SDSSJ0826+5630 is […]

Informative Science

Does Gravity make you age more slowly?

Gravity More than a century ago, Einstein’s theory of general relativity fundamentally altered how people thought about the cosmos. Since then, researchers have shown that time is not moving steadily forward as previously thought. That time moves more swiftly at the top of every staircase in the world than it does at the bottom is […]