Researchers have identified a warning sign that a star is likely to go supernova. According to a recent research, the new discovery may assist astronomers in creating a “early warning system”
that would enable scientists to view one of these cosmic explosions in real time before it occurs.
Thanks to this early warning system, we’re ready to see them in real time and point the world’s largest telescopes at the protostar,” said Benjamin Davis, lead author of the study.
This advance warning allows researchers to “physically see” them. torn apart before our eyes
Davis, an astronomer at Liverpool John Moore University in the UK, in an email to Live Science that recent supernova studies show that
the exploding star was expelled from the star just before its demise. He say it likely found in a dense cocoon of material. .
According to the study, stars that are between eight and twenty times as massive as the sun and in their last few months of the red super giant phase experience significant alterations.
Such stars suddenly become about 100 times fainter in visible light a few months before they die.
Scientists don’t know how this happens, but the rapid accumulation of debris that surrounds the star and obscures its light may be behind the obscurity.
According to Davis
the final moments of nuclear burning likely emitted gravitational and pressure waves that propagated to the star’s surface.
Previous scientific theories (opens in new tab) suggest that this is the case for the most intense supernovae. “But we won’t know until we can observe it,” Davies said.
Astronomers haven’t yet had the chance to view a supernova explode in real time. A red supergiant star’s supernova explosion in the spiral galaxy NGC 7610,
which is 160 million light-years from Earth in the constellation of Pegasus, has been observed to be closest to Earth thus far as SN 2013fs.